Ghost at My Sisters House

Sarah nembhard
15 min readMar 5, 2022

My wife and I were staying with her sister for the night. The kids had gone to her parents house and having been married with children, we had no So we were hanging with our sister. We’re getting ready for bed and my wife and I were fighting over a single sink as we were brushing our teeth. The door to the hallway was open and I’m staring at myself in the mirror as I brush away. I then see my sister-in-law walk past me wearing a white skirt and pants, not three feet away from me. Mind you, and go down the hallway towards the living room and the kitchen. Now the layer of this House means that anyone and everyone needs to go down this hallway by the bathroom to move between the bedrooms and the kitchen and the living room. So, knowing that my sister-in-law had traveled that way and being kind of * **** I figured I could sneak up on her and scare the crap out of her. So I leave the bathroom and head on down towards the living room. No one is in the living room, so I head sneakily towards the kitchen knowing that this is the only run she could be in. I jump yelling loudly out in the kitchen. And there’s no one there. The only other place she could have gone is out into the garage, so knowing my year would have even alerted her, I walk over to the garage and noticed that the deadbolt is still engaged. I turn the lock open and close it again. Pondering what the hell is going on. Just as I’m doing so, a hand touches my back and I…

